1. Power Information System Database Cache Model Based on Deep Machine Learning.Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.1, 2023,2023/04/29,SCI(JCR Q3,中科院4区,WOS Q3,CiteScore Q2),独作.
2. Enhancing urban economic efficiency through smart city development: A focus on sustainable transportation .Computers and Electrical Engineering,Volume 116, May 2024, 109058.SCI(JCR Q2,中科院3区,WOS Q2,CiteScore Q1),二作+通讯作者.
3. Optimal Scheme Selection Model of Distributed Photovoltaic Consumption in Smart City Based on Gaussian Mixture Model.Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, Vol. 19, pp. 232–240, 2024. SCI(JCR Q4,WOS Q4,中科院4区),一作.
4. Elevating the Influence of HR Analytics on Organizational Performance : An Empirical Investigation in Hi-Tech Manufacturing Industry of a Developing Economy.Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management.2024, VOL. 15, NO. 2, 3-40,ESCI,SCOPUS (CiteScore Q3),二作.
5. Opportunities and Challenges Facing the International Development of China's Digital Currency in the Post-epidemic Era.무역통상학회지,Issue 21, Issue 05, 2021. 10. pp.123-141. (韩国核心KCI),通讯作者.
6. Research on Smart City Competitiveness Model Based on the Integration of Digital Economy and Smart Energy.무역통상학회지,Issue 22, Issue 06,pp.277-301. (韩国核心KCI),一作+通讯.
7. A Study on the Factors Influencing the Purchase Intention of Smart Home Service Robots in the Post-COVID-19 Era.혁신기업연구(韩国核心KCI),2022/12/23. 二作.
8. Research on the Intelligent Development Path of Chinese Technology Manufacturing Enterprises Based on the Perspective of Anti-globalization.World Journal of Economics and Business.(Open Access),2023/09/08,一作+通讯.
9. How Does the Culture of Sports Circle Affect the Willingness to Continue Sports: Intention to Use Smart Bracelets Based on Social Platforms.World Journal of Management Sci. & Tech.(Open Access),2023/11/15,一作+通讯.
10. Research on the Development Opportunities and Paths of Digital RMB Internationalization Under the Background of Great Power Competition.World Journal of Economics and Business.(Open Access),2023/12/09,一作+通讯.
11. 基于逆全球化视角的科技制造企业智能化发展路径研究.工程经济,(AMI入库)2023年第11期,一作+通讯.
12. Research on the Ecological Operation Mechanism of MSMEs in China--Based on the Perspective of Smart Ecological Economy.Social Science Research Frontiers.(Open Access),2024/02/04,一作+通讯.
13. 基于IBMIS的发电企业生态信息管理模式研究.现代商贸工业, 2021年第20期.
14. 轧辊辊套感应淬火工艺研究.大型铸锻件,2021年1月.
15. 疫情常态化后轧辊制造企业竞争战略研究.现代商贸工业, 2020年12月.
16. 超临界供热机组凝汽器补水雾化方案优化研究.科技资讯,2020年第03期.
1. 创新驱动与经济发展研究.UK Scientific Publishing Limited,ISBN:9781915172037,副主编,2021年10月.
2. 电力工程施工安全技术及质量控制.百科出版社,ISBN:978-981-14-5339-7,主编,2020年5月.
3. 机电设备调试与维护.北京希望电子出版社,ISBN:978-7-83002-676-9,副主编,2020年2月.
4. 热能与动力工程基础研究.吉林科学技术出版社,ISBN:978-7-5578-6138-4,副主编,2020年4月.
5. 新时期高校财务管理改革.百科出版社,ISBN:978-981-14-4287-2,副主编,2020年2月.