滕伟,齐鲁理工学院商学院副教授,跨境电子商务专业学科带头人,中国服务贸易协会特约研究员,博士毕业于嘉泉大学商学院 工商管理专业,研究方向为跨国公司贸易 、供应链管理、数字创新和绿色创新。
1.Digital Innovation and Firm Environmental Performance: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management Capabilities[J] Frontiers in Psychology, 2022(SSCI一区检索)
2.Natural resources led financing of investment: A prospect of China's provincial data.[J] Resources Policy, 2023.10 - Elsevier(SSCI一区检索)
3.Impacts of nuclear energy, greener energy, and economic progress on the load capacity factor: What we learn from the leading nuclear power economies?[J]《Geoscience Frontiers》,(SSCI一区检索)
4.Impact of natural resources on income equality in Gulf Cooperation Council: Evidence from machine learning approach [J] Resources Policy, 2023.11 - Elsevier(SSCI一区检索)